Pisces House is Ownes by
Jupyter (Guru). Moon sign (Rashi)
Pisces means
that Moon was present in
Pisces Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Pisces Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Pisces Meena, december 2024: Health Prediction
The first week of the month may not gosmooth in your health condition. Your mental health will also be in stress. Inthe second week you may get hurt which would affect your mind. In the mid ofthe month your health condition will be good. But at the end of the third weekyou may suffer from some stomach ache. So the last week also cannot be good foryour health. You would be under stress regarding your health. At the very endof the month your physical condition would be in average condition.
Pisces Meena, december 2024: Business and Job Prediction
The first week will be medium for thebusinessmen. You will feel an inspiration about your work. So your work wouldbe good. In the second week your work may be in slow motion. Your work pressuremay be high at the mid of the month. For the brokers the third week will begreat. After the third week the businessmen may see some lights of hopes inprofit. At the last week your business or work will be stress free & youwill be able to get the success in your work.
Pisces Meena, december 2024: Financial Prediction
In the first week there is a possibilityto get a huge amount of money at your hand. Foe the garment retailers it can bea hectic week. In the second week your financial condition would be good. Youcan be able to get the refund of your loans. But after the third week some ofyour dishonest friend may harm you. You may have to lose money for him. At theend of the month the businessmen may feel some financial crisis. So they shouldbe prepared. Try to avoid any kind of investments in your business at the dateof 30th or 31st dec.
Pisces Meena, december 2024: Educational Prediction
This month the education would be inaverage condition. The students would be in some tension & in some pressurein their study. They may have to face some tough competition in this month. Atthe end of the month the students may have to face some illness so they mayfeel less energetic at their study. They should be careful about their health.
Pisces Meena, december 2024: Social Life Prediction
The first two week would be good in yoursocial life. But you may get attached with some dishonest man. But you willmanage it. In the mid of the month you will get some really good news from yourfamily. You will also get help from your friends. At the end of the month youwill get so much love & affection from your dearest friends.
Pisces Meena, december 2024: Love and Married Life Prediction
This month your all kind of relationshipwill be good. You will be able to spend some times with your partner. You donthave to face any kind of fiction with your partner. Rather you will get somegood news from your family. You may also get some help from your partner &your conjugal life would be awesome in this month.